During my trip to Denver to play pot tourist, I dropped by the Adagio Bud and Breakfast, the first all-inclusive, 420-friendly B&B in Colorado. The Adagio is  a place for “stoned vacationers on a quest for high times,” according to High Times, and the only accommodation in Denver that has come out of the pot closet.

I turned up at the Adagio for a tour and a chat with guests. The B&B advertises several non-traditional hotel offerings: a wake-and-bake sampler, a 420 happy hour, and nightly cannabis cookies and milk. All of which are incredibly clever and are particularly attractive for heavy cannabis consumers. I was stoked to check it out.

But the design wrecked it for me straight off. Inside it’s a confusing mash-up of a man cave and grandma’s house. The ’90s era wood trim and oversized leather couches in the common room gave off a distinct bro vibe. Upstairs, mauve carpeting and rose-printed wallpaper reminded me of my grandmother’s house. The kitchen area, where the 420 Happy Hour takes place, reminded me of all the times I got ripped off of gravity bongs at my guy friend’s college houses.

This isn’t to say the guests weren’t happy. They were thrilled. “My husband can’t go a day without smoking,” a woman from New York gushed as she beamed at her stoney husband. “I keep bragging to all my friends about this place” he chimed in, balancing a glass pipe and his iPhone. Their travel agent had told them about the place. A German woman and her son sat across the table. She too loved the place for the fact that it gave them a chance to meet so many other people. As her son lit up, I gathered he liked it as well. Awkward design be damned, the guests were clearly pleased with their choice. And that’s even reflected in recent Yelp reviews for the property.

The Adagio Bud and Breakfast is definitely on to something. It’s the only horse in town offering a place for cannabis-loving travelers to rest, puff and mingle with other toking travelers. But at $299 to $399 a night, I expected more. Way more. Not least of which was the food selection. While breakfasts are made to order and drinks are always available at the open bar, during happy hour I saw only plain Lays chips and some unidentifiable dip neglected on the table. Clearly the place needs some polish. Here’s a few ways they could take things up a notch.

Fancy Munchies

Growing up, my grandma had crystal candy dishes displayed like trophies throughout the house. Inside awaited handfuls of M&Ms, bite-size Snickers and Werthers Originals. Add a few of those. Non-THC goodies are just as important as edibles. A cheese and charcuterie plate at happy hour would rock my world. Hell, even those tiny, non-THC brownies from Trader Joe’s would satisfy. Throw in a chocolate fondue, and you’d have me for life.

Cannabis Concierge

I need a person who gives me advice on the best pot shops, strains and then connects me with local events. I might want a cooking class. Or bike rentals. Or maybe a concert at Red Rocks. Have a go-to person who can guide me to Denver’s entertainment options, cannabis and non-cannabis alike.


I want to indulge my senses once those Dixie Elixirs kick in. Start with giant flat-screen TVs with Netflix on demand so I can get into a Orange is the New Black and House of Cards marathon. Add a hammock for post-sightseeing respite. Invite a masseuse to the property on weekends to set up shop. A 10-minute chair massage can bring instant bliss.

Cannabis Products

With the cannabis industry bursting in Colorado, why not showcase the local goods? Herb lotions in my room. Hemp candles. Cannabis sugar scrubs. A show-stopping, locally produced glass piece for the 420 happy hour. Throw in some of that cannabis lube for the couples in the luxury sweet.

An Interior Decorator

Seriously. On vacation, I don’t want to be reminded of the ’90s or my grandma’s house, especially when spending $299 a night. Even Airbnb hosts know how to woo travellers with good-looking 420 friendly properties. With so much puffing going on at the Adagio, there’s bound to be plenty of creativity floating around, enough to slingshot this place into the 21st century where it belongs.

What would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below. 

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